Hollywood Undead Wiki
Funny Man
Funny Man V
General Information
Real Name Dylan Peter Alvarez
Stage Name Funny Man
King Kong
Born April 11, 1986 (age 38)
Family Anna Behr (ex-girlfriend & baby mama)
Holiday Alvarez-Behr (daughter)
Paco Alvarez (father)
Joan Alvarez (mother)
Camille Alvarez (sister)
Luca Alvarez (nephew)
Alvarez Sheperd (son)
Joined 2005
Position vocals, backing vocals
Song Count 61
Bands Hollywood Undead
Dead Planets
Bastard Wax Krew
Click here for images

Funny Man is one of the five current members of Hollywood Undead.


Funny Man is a big live favorite of the band due to his lively performances and crowd hyping. He has been known to jump into the crowd, often be shirtless and occasionally not wear pants. Although he isn't featured on songs as frequently as CharlieJ-Dog or Johnny, he's included in most songs about partying, drinking, women, and having a good time. He very rarely appears on serious tracks.

His favorite song from V is Cashed Out.


Funny Man joined the band soon after it was created by J-Dog and Deuce and provided backing vocals and the occasional verse on many of their early songs. In the early life of the band, he wore a black cloth mask that covered his whole face. Before joining, he was the "groupie" of Johnny, J-Dog, and Deuce's previous band, 3 Tears, having been given the title by turning up to all of their concerts. During Swan Songs, Funny Man was regularly featured in songs providing backing vocals. He is featured on nine songs doing rapping and most other songs providing backing.


Hollywood Undead

Funny Man's 2006 mask was a black mesh mask, over which he usually wore sunglasses.

Swan Songs

Funny Man wore a black mask with three dots on the right side, and his initials "FM" on the other, written in yellow. The mask had a passive facial expression and the overall look of a gorilla's face.

American Tragedy

During his time with his Swan Songs mask, Funny Man grew to dislike wearing masks, so he returned to his black mesh fabric. On the left cheek, the mask has an ironed badge of a screaming skull with two swords and his initials "FM" along with the word "Undead" on the top. It closely resembles the Oakland Raiders' logo. The three dots on the right side have also returned, now in silver, but now there are two on the top and one on the bottom.

Notes from the Underground

Funny Man's mask looks much like a mask of a luchador (Mexican wrestler). It is black with a silver gorilla face as a reference to his nickname King Kong. Just like the previous masks, this one features his initials "FM", now moved to his forehead and the three dots on the left. It was a cloth mask with two white laces that had "King Kong" written on them.

Day of the Dead

During the 2014 tours, Funny Man started to dislike his new mask, so he went back to wearing one similar to his American Tragedy mask. However, instead of a badge, the mask now has a silver "LA" written on it with the lower part of the L being the A's horizontal bar. The three dots returned to their original arrangement. The mask also lacks some of the finer details from the American Tragedy mask, such as the thin mesh covering the face of the mask. It's also a bit smaller, as it does not extend down the neck but ends just below the chin, like the Notes from the Underground mask.


Like most members of the band, Funny Man has also replaced his mask with a chrome one, although he had previously stated that he disliked wearing masks. His new mask is reminiscent of a regular goalie's mask with dozens of small holes, a prominent forehead and a nose that faces inwards. He retained his three signature dots.

Funny Man has a black mask, red mask, and a blue mask with the three dots using the secondary colors for each.

Featured in[]


Swan Songs[]

Desperate Measures[]

American Tragedy[]

Notes from the Underground[]

Day of the Dead[]



New Empire Vol. 1[]

New Empire Vol. 2[]

Hotel Kalifornia[]


Bastard Wax Krew[]


  • Funny Man is the only member who doesn't play an instrument on live shows or studio records.
  • His father is Mexican and his mother is Canadian.
  • Before his face was revealed, many fans suspected that he was black because of the deepness of his voice.
  • He has spent time in jail.
  • The name "Funny Man' originates from his childhood. Charlie's brother, Jake, gave him the nickname out of irony; according to Charlie, "he was so unfunny, it was funny".
  • He has a tattoo of his nickname, "King Kong".
  • He has a white dog bull terrier called "Mr. Bones".
  • Despite being a womanizer, he mentioned in an interview in 2013 that he was depressed about breaking up with his girlfriend of five years.
  • He is the youngest member of the band.
  • His partner stated that his height is 6'4".
  • He is sometimes seen playing with their touring drummer, except he only uses one stick, and usually plays the cymbals.
  • His Instagram and Twitter accounts both share the same name, "dillyduzit".
  • He played basketball with Charlie during his school years.
  • He played football in high school.
  • According to the band, the most time-consuming part of production is recording Funny's verses.
  • He directed official lyrics videos from Notes from the Underground for Hollywood Undead's official channel, Hollywood Undead.